Whether you are ready to list or just want to get a feel for the market we are eager to earn your business. There is a difference between discount and full service brokerages. If a company does not value their own worth, is that who you want determining and negotiating your home’s value? 

What you can expect from our services:

  • Customer Service: We personally work directly with our clients and make ourselves available, including evenings and weekends so that you get the timely response you deserve. Your business is our top priority and our immediate response times reflect that.
  • Experience: Decades of experience and handling over a BILLION in transactions. We are the leaders in the industry. Our proven pricing and negotiating strategies are based on our results and the formula for our success.
  • Recognition: The #1 Century 21 Franchise globally. Our company is one of the most recognized in the field, therefore, we can and will spend our advertising dollars on promoting your property.
  • Market Knowledge: Our agents have lived in the area our entire lives. We know every corner of every street and have unmatched accuracy on local home value and trends.
  • Marketing and Advertising: We challenge the competition. Examples include our powerful web presence with 100’s of websites, our innovative and professional representation of your property including; home photos, brochures, publications, drone, floor plans & 3D video and photography. Our attention to detail including professional home descriptions, publication layouts, and professional targeted mailings to perspective buyers. We will work with you to prepare a plan that best suits your property.
  • No Gimmick Pricing: We are sometimes asked about discounts or coupons regarding our pricing. Our price is upfront, fair, and stated. We do not charge for our professional marketing, office services, or any other hidden fees. A discounted price is often reflective of discounted service. A flat fee often means limited service. That is not what has made Mike McCatty Group successful and would not allow us to hold up to the commitment we make to each of our customers. We offer professional, top notch service to all of our clients, all of the time.
  • Referrals: This, and repeat business are what drive our success. Closing over 250 transactions in 2022, we average about one a day. As a result, we have encountered most situations that arise in real estate and have the contacts necessary to ensure successful closings. Take a look at our Testimonial Page, then give us a call, 708-945-2121.
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